Whole Child Learning Center
All payments should include $20 registration fee as September 2019 begins our new year!

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Understanding Online Payments
The 8 week $102 discounted tuition is available when paying prior to the beginning of an 8 week session start date (sessions run consecutively). Start dates are specific to each school and are posted at your child’s center or you can email juniorgymnest@gmail.com for further information.
For additional savings consider signing up for 16 weeks prior to the session start date. The cost is $197.
When enrolling after a session has started simply pay the $13 per week fee multiplied by the number of weeks remaining in the current 8 week session. Example: 3 classes remain x $13 = $39.
$20- Yearly registration fee (September – August).
$3- Late fee (if applicable).
$3.00- Online processing fee applied to the overall cost.
Program Policies
By enrolling my child(ren) I agree to following program policies:
GOOD FAITH: once registered, instructors exercise a good faith agreement with Mom & Dad;
Tuition is due prior to the start of each session. Reminders are placed at one or more of the following locations -the parent board, front door or Junior Gym’nest’ bulletin board. If payment is late, your child will attend class; a late fee of $3 will be charged. Returned check charge $25. Programs’ cost factors in one instructor sick or snow / emergency day annually (Sept. – Aug.) subsequent missed lesson plan material will be rescheduled.
*Liability Waiver: I/We the parent(s) or legal guardian will not hold Uth Fitness or Staff responsible for any accidents or injuries as a result of normal class participation.
An $8 service charge will be assessed for all refund requests. No credit given for unplanned absences.
“I’m Going to Disney World” (prolonged absence):
If prolonged absence, vacation or withdraw from program is in your child’s future, email Uth Fitness (juniorgymnnest@gmail.com) 10 days prior to the effective class date(s) to be missed so a refund / credit can be considered.
Observation / Performance:
When challenged in a learning environment with Mom or Dad present, our children do one of three things: Perform, Withdraw or “Over-perform.” While we encourage parent visitation we ask visits be limited to the last week of the session. Still cameras are permitted. No video recording. Limiting distractions enables the coaches to maximize the lesson plan at hand and to achieve goals for that day. For informational / promotional purposes Uth Fitness may photograph/video children during class at center.