Frequently Asked Questions
When can I sign up?
Sign up anytime! As with anything, the sooner one starts something the sooner they begin to learn.
New Junior Gymers enroll continuously throughout the year and can do so at any time, even when a
session is already underway. When enrolling after a session has started the billing will only be for those
classes remaining in the session. For details email us at
The new session starts today and I forgot my payment, can my child still attend class?
Absolutely! Children already registered are never excluded because of a late payment during the first half of a new session. Simply submit payment and include the $3 past due fee. Refer to the company registration form.
When is the registration fee due?
Registration is due once a year. Our year runs from September to August.
What does my child learn in Junior Gym?
WOW, hmmm where to begin? Ok start with the obvious: In JG, children are taught solid fundamentals of gymnastics. Progressions for the forward roll to the front flip; from exercises using the ‘bear’ position to the cartwheel and handstand and 100’s of exercises and skill-building activities in-between along with balance beam, single bar, vaulting, and springboard activities.
Sport Fundamentals & Life Lessons?
You Bet! We conduct activities that teach proper techniques for throwing, catching, and base running. We learn ball-handling skills that lead us into using developmentally appropriate equipment to teach basic football, soccer, hockey, and lacrosse fundamentals, etc… Life lessons related to the appreciation and importance of teamwork, respect, and the power of words, manners, making good choices, etc…
It tends to be best toward the end of a 6 or 12 wk session but anytime that suits you is fine. Whether you realize it or not you showing up is a special and exciting event and can be distracting. We only ask you to be a discreet spectator. Being discreet will help keep the kids focused on the Coach, the activity, and safety.
How should my child dress for Jr. Gym class?
Clothing that’s easy to move in is always best. Hairstyles with berets and other hair accessories off to the side of the head rather than the top and hair out of the eyes is most comfortable for the activity.
Do I fill out a registration form every session?
No. Online registration is only needed once each year, September – August. Unless your contact information has changed.
Do we have to pay for the missed classes?
To provide consistency and best planning practices for all, we ask that any adjustment for days off be made in your tuition payment at the start of any 6 or 12-week session. Refer to the back of the registration form.
My child was sick last week and missed Jr. Gym. Will we receive credit for the missed class?
Please see the back of our registration form. For staffing and planning purposes, unplanned absences are not credited.
Can I take pictures or video of the Jr. Gym class?
Picture taking is allowed, however, video is not.
Does Jr. Gym continue year round?
Yes. Junior Gym is a progressive program that runs through-out the year. Children are always working on and toward new skills in both the gymnastics and sport fundamental curriculum.
Can we take our child to a different center to do Jr. Gym?
If you change centers we can transfer your remaining tuition toward any JG classes that we offer at your child”s new school.
Can my child attend Jr. Gym even though he is not enrolled at the center on JG day?
Yes! Provided it is cleared with the Center Director.
How many children are in a class?
The number of children in a particular class depends on age and class chemistry. The younger children (2’s and under) are generally ~7 to 1 student-teacher ratio and older children (4’s and up) are generally a ratio of ~12 to 1.
Is there a wide age range within a class?
No. Generally the difference in motor skill development between the ages we teach is best addressed by having children attend class with other age-appropriate peers.
Is there a discount for enrolling multiple children?
Yes. If you have three children enrolled at the same time, a 25% discount is applied to the lowest of the 3 tuitions due, excluding the registration fee.
Questions regarding payment and or payment options?
Please contact the Uth Fitness office administrator directly at

”Junior Gym has greatly improved my son's confidence. He has always been very verbal, but a little cautious with physical activity. The Junior Gym program has brought him out of his shell. He feels good about his abilities and is more willing to try things he would have resisted in the past.
Junior Gym is by far my son's favorite part of the school day. Too bad it's only once per week. Thank you for providing such a great skill and confidence building opportunity for kids .“
The Friedmans